Data Model Column Descriptions

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Workcenter Shift Productivity Data Model


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
is_primary -
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
cycles Number of strokes of the machine
production_quantity Cycles * Parts per cycle
actual_production_time The time required to produce X parts in given time T
available_time Maximum time available for production
downtime Total time for which the machine was idle
unplanned_downtime Time during which the machine had an Unplanned downtime reason booking
planned_downtime Time during which the machine had a Planned downtime booking
expected_production_time Standard/ Target Time required to produce X parts in given time T
idle_slot_count The count of total idle slots
major_stoppages The count of downtimes for major stoppages (threshold defined in MInt Workcenter Configuration)
minor_stoppages The count of downtimes for minor stoppages (threshold defined in MInt Workcenter Configuration)
rejection_quantity Total Rejected Part Quantity
availability Availability metric for OEE Calculation
performance Performance metric for OEE Calculation
quality Quality metric for OEE Calculation
capacity_utilization The metric to identify planned downtimes
oee Overall Equipment Effectiveness (A * P * Q)
teep Total Effective Equipment Performance (OEE * CU)
compressed_air Utilities Air Compression Details
electricity Utilities Electricity Details
steam Utilities Steam Details
gas Utilities Gas Details
workcenter_maintenance_threshold The maximum number of hours the machine can run without maintenance
workcenter_work_done_since_last_maintenance The number of hours passed after the last maintenance when the machine was running
workcenter_last_maintenance_time The Date and Time for the last maintenance activity
workcenter_next_maintenance_time The predicted next workcenter maintenance date.


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
reason_key Unique ID for the downtime reason
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
duration Machine Downtime duration in seconds
idle_slot_count The count of total idle slots
reason_name Downtime Reason Name
reason_code Downtime Reason Code
reason_category_key Unique ID for Downtime Category
reason_category_code Downtime Category Code
reason_category_name Downtime Category Name
is_reason If Downtime Reason is a reason
is_planned If Downtime Reason is a Planned reason
key Unique ID for Downtime Reason


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
operators Operator Name
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
Shift_name Shift Name in MInt


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
rejection_key Unique ID for the Rejection Code
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
rejection_name Rejection Name
rejection_code Rejection Code
rejection_quantity Rejection Quantity


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
parameter_name Parameter Name on MInt
parameter_count Count of Parameters
metric_name Datonis Metric Name
unit Unit of measure of the parameter


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
reason_key Unique ID for Downtime Reasons
license_key Unique ID for the account
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
duration Machine Downtime duration in mins
loss_slot_count The count of slots which are idle
name Downtime Reason Name
code Downtime Reason Code
category_key Unique ID for Downtime Category
category_code Downtime Category Code
category_name Downtime Category Name
is_reason If Downtime Reason is a reason

Part Shift Productivity Data Model


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
part_key Unique ID for the Part/ SKU
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
reason_key Unique ID for the Downtime Reason
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
part_name Part Name
operation_name Operation Name
downtime_duration Machine Downtime duration in seconds
idle_slot_count The count of total idle slots
reason_name Downtime Reason Name
reason_code Downtime Reason Code
category_key Unique ID for Downtime Reason Code
category_code Downtime Category Code
category_name Downtime Category Name
is_reason If Downtime Reason is a reason
is_planned If Downtime Reason is a Planned reason


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
part_key Unique ID for the Part/ SKU
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
part_name Part Name
operation_name Operation Name
parts_per_cycle The quantity of parts produced in one cycle of the machine
cycles Number of strokes of the machine
production_quantity Cycles * Parts per cycle
acutal_production_time The time required to produce X parts in given time T
available_time Maximum time available for production
downtime Total time for which the machine was idle
unplanned_downtime Time during which the machine had an Unplanned downtime reason booking
planned_downtime Time during which the machine had a Planned downtime booking
expected_production_time Standard/ Target Time required to produce X parts in given time T
standard_cycle_time The standard time required to produce one Part (only machine working time)
standard_loading_time The standard time required to load one Part
standard_unloading_time The standard time required to unload one Part
standard_autocycle_time This is the addition of Standard Cycle Time, Standard Loading Time and Standard Unloading Time.
actual_cycle_time The actual time required to produce one Part (only machine working time)
actual_loading_time The standard time required to load one Part
actual_unloading_time The standard time required to unload one Part
actual_autocycle_time This is the addition of Actual Cycle Time, Actual Loading Time and Actual Unloading Time.
compressed_air Utilities Air Compression Details
electricity Utilities Electricity Details
steam Utilities Steam Details
gas Utilities Gas Details
is_last_operation If an operation is the last in that particular routing, this flag will be True.
rejection_count Count of Quality Rejections


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
part_key Unique ID for the Part
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
rejection_key Unique ID for the Rejection Code
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
part_name Part Name
operation_name Operation Name
rejection_quantity Rejection Quantity
rejection_name Rejection Name
rejection_code Rejection Code


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
part_key Unique ID for the Part
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
part_name Part Name
parameter_name Parameter Name on MInt
parameter_count Count of Parameters
metric_name Datonis Metric Name
unit Unit of measure of the parameter

Hourly Data Model


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
hour_start Hour Start Time
hour_end Hour End Time
idle_slot_count The count of total idle slots
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
job_count Number of strokes of the machine
actual_qty Cycles * Parts per cycle
actual_production_time The time required to produce X parts in given time T
downtime Total time for which the machine was idle
planned_downtime Time during which the machine had a Planned downtime reason booking
unplanned_downtime Time during which the machine had an Unplanned downtime reason booking
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
rejection_count Rejection Quantity
scrap_count Scrap Quantity (Custom metric if Scrap is monitored for that Customer)
operators Operator Name (List of operator working in that hour)
part_names Part Name (List of Parts produced in that hour)
part_keys Unique IDs for the Parts
electricity Utilities Electricity Details
gas Utilities Gas Details
steam Utilities Steam Details
compressed_air Utilities Air Compression Details
_created_at Internal metric, not to be used by User
_updated_at Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
hour_start Hour Start Time
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
part_key Unique ID for the Part/ SKU
hour_end Hour End Time
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
part_name Part Name
part_code Part Code
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
utility_name Utility Name
metric_name Metric Name in Datonis
consumption_value Consumption Value
_created_at Internal metric, not to be used by User
_updated_at Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
pph_from Hour Start Time
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
parent_part_key Unique ID for the Part/ SKU
pph_to Hour End Time
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
parameter_name Parameter Name
metric_name Metric Name in Datonis
status 1 being Good (points inside warning limits), 2 being Warning (points outside warning limits and below control limits) and 3 being Problem (points outside control limits)
points_between_lcl_lwl Count of Points Between Lower Control Limit and Lower Warning Limit
lwl Lower Warning Limit for the selected parameter/s
max Max value for the selected parameter/s
points_below_lcl Count of Points Below Lower Control Limits
cpk Process Capability Index (CpK)
uwl Upper Warning Limit for the selected parameter/s
lcl Lower Control Limit for the selected parameter/s
ucl Upper Control Limit for the selected parameter/s
cp Process Capability (Cp)
count Count for the selected parameter/s
avg Average value for the selected parameter/s
points_between_uwl_ucl Count of Points Between Upper Warning Limit and Upper Control Limit
min Minumum value for the selected parameter/s
sum Addition for the selected parameter/s
median Median value for the selected parameter/s
expected_value Expected/ Target value for the selected parameter/s
stddev Standard Deviation for the selected parameter/s
points_above_ucl Count of Points above the Upper Control Limit
points_out_of_warning_limit Count of Points out of Warning Limits
operators Operator Name (List of operator working in that hour)
part_names Part Name (List of Parts produced in that hour)
part_keys Unique IDs for the Parts
_created_at Internal metric, not to be used by User
_updated_at Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
hour_start Hour Start Time
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
hour_end Hour End Time
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
parameter_name Parameter Name on MInt
metric_name Metric Name in Datonis
status 1 being Good (points inside warning limits), 2 being Warning (points outside warning limits and below control limits) and 3 being Problem (points outside control limits)
points_between_lcl_lwl Count of Points Between Lower Control Limit and Lower Warning Limit
max Max value for the selected parameter/s
points_below_lcl Count of Points Below Lower Control Limits
cpk Process Capability Index (CpK)
cp Process Capability (Cp)
count Count for the selected parameter/s
avg Average value for the selected parameter/s
points_between_uwl_ucl Count of Points Between Upper Warning Limit and Upper Control Limit
min Minumum value for the selected parameter/s
sum Addition for the selected parameter/s
median Median value for the selected parameter/s
stddev Standard Deviation for the selected parameter/s
points_above_ucl Count of Points above the Upper Control Limit
points_out_of_warning_limit Count of Points out of Warning Limits
part_keys Unique IDs for the Parts
part_names Part Name (List of Parts produced in that hour)
operators Operator Name (List of operator working in that hour)
_created_at Internal metric, not to be used by User
_updated_at Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
shift_key Unique ID for the Shift
hour_start Hour Start Time
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
hour_end Hour End Time
parameter_name Parameter Name on MInt
metric_name Metric Name in Datonis
status 1 being Good (points inside warning limits), 2 being Warning (points outside warning limits and below control limits) and 3 being Problem (points outside control limits)
points_between_lcl_lwl Count of Points Between Lower Control Limit and Lower Warning Limit
lwl Lower Warning Limit for the selected parameter/s
max Max value for the selected parameter/s
points_below_lcl Count of Points Below Lower Control Limits
cpk Process Capability Index (CpK)
uwl Upper Warning Limit for the selected parameter/s
ucl Upper Control Limit for the selected parameter/s
lcl Lower Control Limit for the selected parameter/s
cp Process Capability (Cp)
count Count for the selected parameter/s
avg Average value for the selected parameter/s
points_between_uwl_ucl Count of Points Between Upper Warning Limit and Upper Control Limit
min Minumum value for the selected parameter/s
expected_value Expected/ Target value for the selected parameter/s
sum Addition for the selected parameter/s
median Median value for the selected parameter/s
stddev Standard Deviation for the selected parameter/s
points_above_ucl Count of Points above the Upper Control Limit
points_out_of_warning_limit Count of Points out of Warning Limits
shift_name Shift Name in MInt
workcenter_name Workcenter Name in MInt
dept_name Department Name in MInt
cell_line_name Cell/ Line Name in MInt
plant_name Plant Name in MInt
_created_at Internal metric, not to be used by User
_updated_at Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
policy_key Unique ID for the policy
policy_name Name of the policy
license_key Unique ID for the account license
cell_line_key Unique ID for the Cell/ Line
cell_line_name Name of the Cell/ Line
samples Number of samples to test for a given policy
type Type of policy
approvers The email ID of the user who can approve the filled policy
policy_schedule_key Unique ID for the policy booking schedule
policy_from Start date of policy booking schedule
policy_to End date of policy booking schedule
working_day Day for which the shifts are planned
timestamp The time at which the policy is booked
day_of_week Day of the week/ Alternate Days/ All Days (depends on the user selection)
time_offset Internal metric, not to be used by User
timezone Internal metric, not to be used by User


Column Name Description
policy_key Unique ID for the policy
policy_name Name of the policy
license_key Unique ID for the account license
cell_line_key Unique ID for the Cell/ Line
cell_line_name Name of the Cell/ Line
type Type of policy
approvers The email ID of the user who can approve the filled policy
policy_booking_key Unique ID for the policy booking schedule
booking_timestamp The time at which the policy is booked
booking_working_day The day at which the policy is booked
workcenter_key Unique ID for the Workcenter
workcenter_name Name of the workcenter
part_key Unique ID for the Part
part_name Name of the Part
operation_key Unique ID for the Operation
operation_name Name of the Part
approved_by The Email ID of the person who approved the policy
approved_on Policy Approval date and time
booked_by The Email ID of the person who has booked the policy
is_approved Boolean value showing whether policy booking has been approved or not (True/ False)
inspection_sample_key Unique ID for the Sample
parameter_key Unique ID for the Parameter
parameter_name Name of the Parameter
parameter_value_number If the parameter is of a Numeric/ Dropdown (Numeric type)(e.g. 23.45, 974) type, the information will be displayed in this column
parameter_value_string If the parameter is of a String/Dropdown (String Type)/ Boolean (e.g. OK, NOT OK, Low, High) type, the information will be displayed in this column
parameter_category 0- String Value, 1- Numeric Value, 2- Boolean, 3- Dropdown
ucl Upper control limit for the policy parameter (only in case of numeric parameters)
lcl Lower control limit for the policy parameter (only in case of numeric parameters)
uwl Upper Warning limit for the policy parameter (only in case of numeric parameters)
lwl Lower Warning limit for the policy parameter (only in case of numeric parameters)
expected_value Expected value for the policy parameter (only in case of numeric parameters)
instrument The instrument used for the measurement