Script Adapter (Pull)

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Edge Gateway Home > Script Adapter (Pull)

Script Adapter Fields

Connect JS Script String Script to be executed to connect to target device. Context var 'transient_val' (in memory) can be used to store objects across connect/disconnect. Context var 'persistent_val' (persistent store) can be used to store objects across restart. Context var 'kvstore_val' can be used to create custom persistent maps and immediate commits/rollbacks. Context var 'logger_val' can be used for logging purpose.
Read Scan JS Script String Script to be executed during each scan prior to execute Tag scripts. Context var 'connection_val' holds return value of read connection script's return value. Context var 'transient_val', 'presistent_val', 'kvstore_val' and 'logger_val' are available.
Disconnect JS Script String Script to be executed to disconnect to target device and clean up listener. Context var 'connection_val' holds return value of read connection script's return value. Context var 'executor_val', 'transient_val', 'presistent_val', 'kvstore_val' and 'logger_val' are available.
Write Connection JS Script String Script to be executed while executing instruction. Context var 'instruction_val' is set to instruction json values. Context var 'transient_val', 'presistent_val', 'kvstore_val' and 'logger_val' are available.
Additional Java library URLs String URL paths of additional Java libraries (.jar) required by this connection and associated read/write tag scripts. All library URL paths must be comma seperated. e.g. file:/c:/mongo-driver/mongo-java-driver-3.6.2.jar, file:/c:/mongo-driver/snappy-java-1.1.4.jar
Tag JS Script String Script to be executed during each to retrieve Tag value. Context var 'scan_val' holds received value of current scan. In case of write tag, context var 'tag_val' holds tag value set by instruction and 'connection_val' holds return value of write connection script. Context var 'transient_val', 'presistent_val', 'kvstore_val' and 'logger_val' are available.

Script Tags

executor_val Is available for firing async tasks. Ex. This can be used to schedule at intervals etc.
transient_val In memory map and can be used across connect/disconnect and through different adapters.

Usage - transient_val.put(Object value)

persistent_val In memory file storage map which can be used across restart of Edge.

Usage - persistent_val.put(Object value)

kvstore_val Can be used to create custom persistent maps.
logger_val Used for logging. Example -
instruction_val This is a map which contains the instruction json.
scan_val This variable contains the value of the sent value which was sent using sender_val.send
tag_val This variable contains the value of the write tag that is to be set by the instruction received by Edge.
connection_val This holds the return value of the connect script.

Adding Edge certificate to the trusted list

On configuring the Datonis Edge Gateway, it will error out with a certificate error: ServiceResultException: Bad_CertificateInvalid (0x80120000) "The certificate provided as a