Edge++: Datonis Edge
Edge++ Configuration on Datonis Edge:
Edge++ Service:
Edge++ Service offers support of Redis Data-store which is used for exchanging data between Edge and the Faas Framework. Edge++ Service lets us configure the settings related to the Redis store.
- This flag is true if the events in the output-queue are to be transmitted to Datonis.
- Make this flag false if the data should not be transmitted to Datonis.
Once the access-key and secret-key are configured, set Enable Edge++ Setup flag to true. This will update the Datonis access-key in the Redis Store on save.
This will be used by the Rails framework to set up its components.
Thing Settings:
In Settings Tab for in any adapter configuration of a particular Thing, you can find the following Edge++ related settings.
- Publish Mode - Send/scan Edge++: Sends the events (scan/send data, instruction, alerts) to the Redis input queue, and the FaasFunction will process and push the processed event into the Output queue.
- Sync Process Functions: This button populates the Data Process Function and the Instruction Process Function dropdown which are configured on the rails framework.
- Data Process Function: Select the function which you want to use to process the thing’s data event.
- Instruction Process Function: Select the function which you want to use to process the thing’s instruction event. You can select “--Not-Selected--” option which does not send instruction event to Redis.
Screen for Sync Edge++ Functions
Screen for Thing Specific Edge++ Settings
JSON Structures:
JSON formats used for pushing data into Redis output-queue.
Data JSON:
- data: should be a map of metrics (Configured on Datonis) <String, value> You can add new Datonis metrics not defined on Edge.
- data_faas_function : Helper faas function name for Edge++.
- instruction_faas_function : Helper faas function name for Edge++
- type : “data”
{ "thing_key":"d9a3cb4f52", "timestamp":1590067159361, "data":{ "T":1, "H":2 }, "data_faas_function":"data_faas_function#12", "instruction_faas_function":"instruction_faas_function#11", "type":"data" }
Instruction JSON:
You can insert instructions in the output queue using this format.
{ "thing_key":"d9a3cb4f52", "timestamp":1591308083000, "alert_key":"877c5e3cc4", "instruction_wrapper":{ "instruction":{ "T":"1" } }, "type":"instruction", "instruction_faas_function":"instruction_faas_function#11" }
Alert JSON:
{ "alert":{ "thing_key":"d9a3cb4f52", "timestamp":1589294688742, "alert_key":"a28cb7bt36", "alert_type":0, "message":"[]", "data":{ "execution_status":"success" } } }