MQTT Adapter

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Edge Gateway Home > MQTT Adapter

MQTT Adapter Workflow

MQTT Adapter Workflow
MQTT Adapter Workflow


MQTT Advanced Configuration

You can configure the details about the MQTT broker in the advanced configuration tab. You can set the following configurations in this tab:

Configuration Type Description
config-json* JSON Advanced configuration json to fine tune adapter.
MQTT Address* String The address the MQTT broker listens for incoming connections. Be sure to check if the firewall is configured correctly to allow access to this address. The default value is
MQTT Port* Number The port of the MQTT broker. Be sure to check if the firewall is configured correctly to allow access to this port. The default value is 1883.
MQTT Secure Port* Number The secure transport port of the MQTT broker. Be sure to check if the firewall is configured correctly to allow access to this port. The default value is 8883.
User Name String This is an optional field. The user name is required to access the broker.
Password String This is an optional field. The password is required to connect. If the password is empty, no password will be required to connect.
Scheduled Thread Pool Size Number The server scheduled thread pool is used for most activities on the server-side that require running periodically or with delays. The default value is 3.
General Thread Pool Size Number This general purpose thread pool is used for most asynchronous actions on the server side. The default value is 10.
Use Integrated MQTT Broker* Boolean Switch to enable or disable the usage of the integrated MQTT broker, if disabled(i.e. false) external broker can be used. The default value is true. If it is set to true then we can use the integrated MQTT broker to connect to the other Datonis edge services.
Client Clean Session* Boolean If set to false, the client will continue with the old session and the broker may deliver older messages. The default value is true.

MQTT Protocol Connection

Configuration Type Description
Topic Type* Enum Topic Type of the connection, DATONIS_SCAN and DATONIS_EVENT can be used to consume data from other Edge Gateways, CUSTOM or CUSTOM_JSON can be used for data from any client.
Subscribe Topics CSV* String Topics to be subscribed to local MQTT broker for this connection. More than one topic can be put via comma separated values, also wild cards + and # are allowed e.g. 'plc/#, plc/vibration/#, plc/+/pressure/#'.
Message Parsing Script* String The default value is 'message_val' i.e. it will pass the message value as it is. All messages would be parsed using this script before passing to the tag script. Context var 'message_val' holds the message, Context var 'message_list' holds the empty list and can be used to return multiple messages for handling collection cases. The return value or non-empty 'message_list' of the script would be passed to all tags.
Batch Delay (Millis) String The default value is 100 milliseconds. Once a message arrives, the Adapter waits for this delay to wait for other messages to become available. All the messages accumulated in a batch would be passed to the tags in one go. If a message for the same topic arrives again then the older message would be ignored.

MQTT Read Tag

Configuration Type Description
Tag Id* String The unique Tag Id value within a Thing Config object. It is mainly used in metric mappings to map this tag to a thing metric. Only alphanumeric or underscore characters are allowed.
Match Topics CSV* String Topics to be matched for this tag. More than one topic can be put via comma separated values, also wild cards + and # are allowed e.g. 'plc/temperature, plc/+/vibration, plc/pressure/#'.
Message Parsing Script* String The default value is 'message_val' i.e. it will pass the value as it is. Tag messages would be parsed using this script. Context var 'message_val' holds the value returned from the connection message parsing script. The return value of the script would be passed as the tag value.


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